
You’ll soon be able to join Town & District Transport Trust as a member…

Town & District has been built up from nothing and is run entirely by a small group of enthusiastic volunteers. By becoming a member you too can enjoy our vehicle collections at a closer level and get the satisfaction of making a valuable contribution to their future.

 As a member You will be kept up to date with developments with us through our Journal. This is published quarterly and gives news, upcoming events, progress reports and articles about our vehicles and the bus industry.

 Have opportunities to travel to & from rallies on buses from our collection.

 Free admission on event days on production of your membership card.

 Attend the Trust’s Annual General Meeting where the Trustees report on their activities and members have the opportunity to give their input

 And, if you want to become more actively involved, you can use your skills and learn some new ones by working individually or within a group on some of our buses.

 Check back here soon for details on how to become a member with us: